UV Tanning-Red Light Therapy-Lotions --NO CONTRACTS OR MEMBERSHIP FEES
If you plan to tan indoors, you need a good indoor tanning lotion. The right lotion will speed up the tanning process, keep your skin healthy, and help you stay bronzed for longer. Most good indoor lotions include moisturizers and vitamins too. Your salon will help you select the best lotion for you.
There are some important differences between tanning lotion or sunblock.
It makes sense to use sunblock outside because the dose of UV rays you get is unpredictable. Depending on the weather, the altitude, and how long you’re in the sun, you could get a serious burn without it. You could but it is not advised simply because it magnifies UV rays instead of blocking them. Tan smart indoors & outdoors.
You never want to ever use sunblock in a tanning bed. Outdoor lotions, baby oil, and many over the counter discount lotions are not recommended. The chemicals in sunblock will damage the acrylic inside the bed. Plus, you’re there to get tan, not stay pale, right?
A "tingle" tanning lotion will increase blood flow to the surface of your skin to help in the production of melanin, the skin pigment that makes you look tanned. Some indoor tanning lotions, like those with menthol, also create a pleasant cooling sensation on your skin while you tan.
Different colors of skin tan in various ways. Your tanning professional at your salon will help to choose and recommend a tanning regime and your skin type will help determine how long to tan and what type of lotion to use.
There are 6 types of skin, and each skin type is unique tans a little differently.
Anyone with fair skin and burns easily in sunlight generally indicates a Type 1 skin rating. Tanning isn’t recommended under any circumstances.
Type 2 means you can tan slowly and carefully. Type 3 is people who can tan successfully but occasionally burn. Type 4 is people that tan rather quickly and rarely burn. Type 5 means you are likely tan hardly ever burn. Type 6 skin is already naturally very dark.
If you have Type 1 skin, you always burn and never tan. Or if you have certain skin conditions or health issues, your doctor may have warned you to stay out of the sun. Spray Tanning is an excellent way to have that Beach Body Skin color and no one will know it isn't from being on the beach at Maui for a few summer weeks. Quality spray tans will not streak, will not turn odd colors, will last up to 8 days and we have many clients that spray tan all year long and we have developed special annual pricing just for these clients.
This is one of those debates where both sides can convince you that they’re right. We’re not taking sides. We know people will continue to tan indoors. We just hope they will do it smart and as safely as technology and information will allow. Too much of anything can be bad for you. In the meantime, skin cancer is linked to exposure to UV rays (which you can get by just standing outside your house). Keep an eye on your skin and ask someone you trust to check the parts you can’t see.
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